

From right to left, Dean of Sch. of Eng., Nagoya Univ.: Prof. Niimi, IEEE President: Dr. Michel, IEEE Nagoya Section Chair: Prof. Furuhashi

The far left, Former IEEE Nagoya Section Chair: Prof. Mase

A brief introduction of COI Project of NU by Prof. Takeda

Labo. tour, Prof. Murase (the second from the left) and Prof. Ninomiya (next to the president)

Labo. tour, Prof. Murase

Labo. tour, Prof. Murase

Coutesy visit to the president of Meijo Univ.

From right to left in the front row, President of Meijo Univ.: Prof. Yoshihisa, Dr. Michel, Dean of Faculty of Sci. and Tech. of Meijo Univ.: Prof. Katori, From right to left in the back row, IEEE R10 Past Director: Prof. Fukuda, Prof. Oomichi, Prof. Tatsuno, and Prof. Furuhashi

The far left, General Manager of Office of Int'l Affairs of Meijo Univ.: Mr. Okamoto

Audience of the Seminar

Lecture by Dr. Kamide

Lecture by Dr. Kamide

Lecture by the president of IEEE: Dr. Michel

Lecture by the president of IEEE: Dr. Michel

Group photo after the seminar

At restaurant Shiosai, from ritht to left, Prof. Fukuda, Prof. Furuhashi, Dr. Kamide, IEEE Nagoya Section Ex-Chair, Prof. Nagao, Ms. Michel, Dr. Michel, Administrator Japan Office of IEEE: Ms. Kajikawa, IEEE Nagoya Section Secretary: Prof. Ishibashi

Ms. Michel and Dr. Michel

A small present

Another present